5 Ways X-Men Apocalypse Will Rock

Jordan Samuel Jordan Samuel
July 22nd, 2015

Content Editor, Film Critic and Writer for ComiConverse.com, the Founder and co-host of the official Nerdcast Network Podcast

5 Ways X-Men Apocalypse Will Rock
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X-Men Apocalypse is coming, and we have all the angles covered for you here on ComiConverse!

With all the hype around 2016 comic book movies people have forgotten that the sequel to Days of Future Past is around the corner. That film surprised many last year with the immense direction of Bryan Singer who proved that he's still got it.


I grew up on the X-Men films, in fact the first one was the first proper comic book film and what got me into making videos about comics. We now live in the world where comic book movies come out seemingly every single month.

Today we will be going into a couple of reasons why X-Men: Apocalypse will be the best film in the franchise yet.

Let's go straight into it.

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