5 Reasons To Watch Attack On Titan

Mora Ogunro Lady Cyprus
August 5th, 2015

Nerdcast Podcast writer. Also, a high school student aspiring to be a Software Developer. Loves computers, anime, Henry Cavill, and the occasional gaming.

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No. 3: The Characters

Watch Attack On Titan

They look so peaceful...

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, you will have the best mentality for watching this anime. Isayama Hajime, the creator, shares some ideology with George R.R. Martin in the sense that he likes to snatch loved ones away from you. In Attack of Titan you win or you die.

With that said, he makes sure to give each of the main characters their own character development continuously throughout the series. Each character has their own background and way of thinking. No two people are the exact same cliché. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. It’s extremely easy to get attached to certain characters other than the main three, especially Sasha the Potato Girl and to think he did it all by accident.

Interviewer:–The most popular character is Captain Levi. Did you see that coming?

Isayama: Levi is a character I accidentally created while idly doodling, and I of course knew I had something. Then I saw Watchmen, and the character Rorschach really stuck with me and I decided I wanted to try doing a similar character, so I combined him with that doodle. - Brutus Magazine

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Source: Attack On Titan

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