The 5 Most Terrifying Games of All Time

Alan Stock Alan Stock
August 9th, 2016

I'm a lover of travel, photography and video games, from the UK. I have worked in the games industry and very passionate about games and their design. Never get bored of them!

The 5 Most Terrifying Games of All Time
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Horror games represent a large and growing demographic in the gaming world. Our Alan Stock is here for ComiConverse to share the horror: the 5 most terrifying games of all time.

Lights off, volume up, hunched towards the screen and gripping the controller. I was stressed. I was scared. Dammit - I was just trying to survive! Why was I doing this to myself, I kept wondering? I was playing Soma, a creepy sci-fi horror game which I finished recently, and being hunted by some horrid mutant thing. Brr. The experience made me recall some of most brilliant, terrifying games I’d ever played. I love (and kind of hate) to be terrified. I’ve played a lot of horror games over the years and I wanted to share my top 5 most scary games with you and explain what makes them so terrifying.

The 5 Most Terrifying Games of All Time:

Do you agree with my choices?

What games scare the heck out of you?

Let me know what you think in the comments! Please note - these are not in any particular order.

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