Martian Manhunter: The Case For A DCEU Film

Davis McCondichie Davis McCondichie
October 2nd, 2016

I am a student at the University of Missouri, who is studying documentary film. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies of all kinds and reading the latest comics.

Martian Manhunter: The Case For A DCEU Film
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No. 5:  A Compelling Villain

It's simple. Superhero movies lack interesting villains. J'onzz's rogue gallery is composed of bizarre villains ranging from all sorts of backgrounds. However, films should not bombard the viewer with too much of the hero's story in the first film. This idea is why it is imperative that a Martian Manhunter origin film not includes him fighting another Martian just yet. Instead, a villain like Getaway King would make for a more interesting introduction villain. Criminal scientist, Monty Moran uses his knowledge to help his gang of villains seemly disappear from crime scenes right before capture. This villain choice would seem logical because his crimes fit a cop duties to stop him. As John Jones, Martian Manhunter tries to track down Moran's gang, but only as J'onn J'onzz can he capture them. Getaway King allows Martian Manhunter to utilize both sides of his image, while still providing a challenge.

Martian Manhunter DCEU

Credit: Warner Brothers

So that is five things audiences need to see in a Martian Manhunter film. This film needs to happen at some point. J'onn J'onzz is a familiar character to the average superhero movie watcher. Many remember him from the cartoon Justice League appearance and would love to see him become involved in the DC cinematic universe.


What do you think about the case for a Martian Manhunter movie?

Would J'onn J'onzz be a great addition to the DCEU?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.


Our Davis McCondichie is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow him on Twitter: @McMccondichie

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