Write For Us

We are always looking for great writers who know how to ComiConverse with an audience. Check out our promotional video below and let us know if you think you'd be up for joining the ComiConverse team!

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 Why Write For ComiConverse?

1.  Our Platform: We offer a sophisticated copywriting platform, a larger audience and a greater social media reach than individual bloggers or smaller sites can achieve on their own. Content from ComiConverse is seen on powerful outlets like Google News, Bing News and Apple News, as well as the top social networks like LockerDome and Flipboard. We provide highly attractive homes for your writing on both web and mobile. ComiConverse has huge and rapidly growing followings on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

2. Our Editors:  ComiConverse has a superb editing team that will work with you to make sure your writing improves with every single article. At ComiConverse - our writers are Super-Empowered!

3.  The Perks: ComiConverse Contributors have been issued press passes for events, big and small, on four continents. We love having our Contributors wave the ComiConverse flag while mining movie premiers, comic-cons and other events for great stories that they can then share with our audience.

4.  Our Community:  Fandom is about being part of a great community. At ComiConverse our volunteers man our podcasts, provide graphics support, run our social media channels, coordinate reviews with publishers and write our articles.

We support each other. We promote each other's writing. We collaborate on projects and we enjoy each other's company.

Our goal is to be the web's greatest ComiCommunity!

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Expectations For Writers

1.  All ComiConverse Contributors are volunteers and always will be. That's just who we are.

2.  Writers are required to contribute at least two articles of 600 words or more every month. Monthly content audits ensure that quality and contribution standards are upheld.

3.  ComiConverse writers all of have defined "areas of interest" (ie. Dark Horse Comics).  As a Writer for ComiConverse, you have the ability to write on any topic you like, but we ask that the majority of your work remain in your chosen area.  This helps prevent duplication and cross-over.

4.  All Writers are expected to fully engage in our ongoing editorial process.  ComiConverse Contributors receive editorial feedback on every article via our in-house editorial system. The goal is to help your writing improve over time.

5.  Keep it real.  ComiConverse is not a community geared towards sarcasm or satire. We do offer well constructed opinion pieces, but we don't publish satirical content similar to what you'd find on The Onion. We are also not a platform that allows guest posting. Only approved members of our community can contribute to ComiConverse.

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