The Top 10 Hulk Villains

Mitch Nissen Mitch Nissen
July 30th, 2016

Grew up reading comic books in the 90's. Marvel fan at heart. Hulk, the Midnight Sons, and Marvel's cosmic universe are my favorites.

The Top 10 Hulk Villains
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No. 9:  The Ringmaster & The Circus of Crime

The Hulk vs The Circus of Crime

Credit: Disney/Marvel

First appearing in The Incredible Hulk #3 in September 1962, Maynard Tibolbt became the Ringmaster of the Circus of Crime. Through the use of a hypnotic disc upon his ringmaster's hat, Maynard would place the audience under a hypnotic stasis and the rest of the circus performers would rob the crowd blind. Then Ringmaster would mind-wipe the audience of any memory of being robbed and the circus would pack up and move on to the next unsuspecting town.

The Ringmaster makes the list in honor of being one of the Hulk's earliest villains. Tiboldt hypnotized the Hulk and forced the green goliath into the service of the circus. With the help of Rick Jones, Hulk was able to break free from Ringmaster's mind control and thwart the Circus of Crime. Not exclusive to the Hulk, the Ringmaster has had encounters with many heroes narrowly succeeding more than once against the likes of Spider-Man, Daredevil, and even the Avengers. The Ringmaster and his circus always seem to come back around to the Hulk, pitting him against the seductive Princess Python or even a mind-controlled Dragon Man!

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Source: Marvel Comics

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