
Are Marvel And DC In A Gay Arms Race?

Are Marvel And DC In A Gay Arms Race?

November 15th, 2016 | by Shannen Murphy

LGBT characters are finding more and more space in comics these days and our very own Shannen Murphy is here to break down the rising opportunities and the way things are being handles by the big two comics publishers. Are Marvel And DC In A...

Arrow: Why Laurel Lance Deserves Better

Arrow: Why Laurel Lance Deserves Better

April 7th, 2016 | by Tatiana Hullender

Resident Arrow and Flash expert Tatiana Hullender lays out her case for why the writers of Arrow have done a disservice to one of her favorite characters, Laurel Lance. The following article contains major spoilers for Arrow’s latest episode, “Eleven-Fifty-Nine.” Also note that this is written from the perspective...

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: They Won’t Need Roads

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: They Won’t Need Roads

January 27th, 2016 | by Fanny Pack

Our Fanny Pack is here to talk about the Series Premiere of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and why you should watch it. This article contains spoilers for the Series Premiere of DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Catch up and then read on! The series premiere of DC’s...