Game Review: Batman: The Telltale Series (Season 1)
Batman: The Telltale Series is an episodic story-led adventure game out now on the majority of gaming platforms. Emerging from the Batcave for Comiconverse is Alan Stock with this review covering the entire first season, five episodes in all. Game Review: Batman: The Telltale Series...
The Mere-Exposure Effect: Why We Love Batman’s Bad Guys
Over the years, we, as comic book fans, have come to love the super-villain foes that our heroes battle, specifically, the Caped Crusader’s plethora of antagonists that he is always fighting. Our Joseph Gioeli analyzes why we have come to like these villains so much. Mere-Exposure...
Gotham: Burn The Witch Review
Gotham continues it's third season with episode two Burn The Witch. Our very own Leonard Marciano is back to break down this weeks episode in our official ComiConverse Gotham review. Gotham: Burn The Witch Review Tonight's episode is all about the ladies as it revolves around Ivy and...
Gotham: Better To Reign In Hell Review
Gotham is back, with the first episode of its new season entitle Better To Reign In Hell. Our very own Leonard Marciano is here to break down all the action for you in our official ComiConverse Gotham review. Gotham Better to Reign in Hell Review The...
Gotham Mid-Season Review
ComiConverse Contributor, Leonard Marciano, provides a full Gotham mid-season review, including recaps of what has happened so far and what to look for in the second half of Gotham's second season. (Spoiler Alert) The first half of the season was billed as the “Rise of the...