Comic Book Films: The Best by Year
Some years have been tough for comic book films, while others have been exceptional. Our Joseph Gioeli is here to determine which years have been the best of the best in terms of quality comic book films. Between 1978 and 2007, there was an average...
Suicide Squad: Fan Threatens Deleted Scene Lawsuit
Suicide Squad made a big push around advertising some intriguing scenes, some of which wound up on the cutting-room floor. We know from previous reporting that Jared Leto was taken aback by the amount of Joker footage that was left out of the film, but now...
Suicide Squad Posts $135.1Million Box Office Debut
Suicide Squad may have suffered some disappointing reviews; however, the film has enjoyed a record-setting performance at the box-office; smashing competition with a $135.1 million opening weekend. Suicide Squad boasts a cast that would make any film executive envious, with talent like Will Smith (Deadshot),...
Suicide Squad Review: A Disappointing Effort
Suicide Squad, one of the most anticipated movies of the summer, gathers the best of DC's worst on the big screen! Our Jordan Samuel provides the official ComiConverse review. This year has been quite disappointing for DC's Cinematic Universe (DCEU). With the poor reception of Batman...
Review: Suicide Squad Most Wanted: Deadshot and Katana
Suicide Squad is at the height of pop-culture these days. Our Sam McCoy breaks down one of the newest Suicide Squad books to hit comics shelves, as DC Comics attempts to introduce readers to some of the Squad's characters. With a movie coming out in...
Suicide Squad Through The Ages
Its Suicide Squad Through The Ages! With thanks to the gang at HalloweenCostumes.com, ComiConverse is pleased to bring you this look at how David Ayer's Suicide Squad (2016) differs from their historical representations in DC Comics. Harley Quinn, Killer Croq, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang and more...