Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Punch To Your Childhood

Emily Fleming Emmy Fleming
August 17th, 2016

A proud nerd, born and raised, inheriting her love of all things geek from her father. Comics lover, writer, artist, chainmailler, cosplayer, binge watcher, and baker of incredible chocolate chip cookies, not to brag or anything.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Punch To Your Childhood

Reviewed by:
On August 17, 2016
Last modified:August 17, 2016


With its wacky plot, uncharacteristic characters, and insanely inaccurate time-line, it reads more as a poorly thought out fan-fiction than an actual part of the Harry Potter series. I'm just going to pretend the books ended at seven and ignore the fact that I ever read this disjointed train wreck.


Reviewed by:

On August 17, 2016
Last modified:August 17, 2016


With its wacky plot, uncharacteristic characters, and insanely inaccurate time-line, it reads more as a poorly thought out fan-fiction than an actual part of the Harry Potter series. I'm just going to pretend the books ended at seven and ignore the fact that I ever read this disjointed train wreck.
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No. 3: Cedric Diggory? Really?

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Credit: Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire

Of all the character's that perished along the way throughout the original Harry Potter book series, Cedric Diggory is one of the ones I personally mourn the least. He only became a major player in the book in which he died (Goblet of Fire) and, while it was under tragic circumstances (wrong time, wrong place and all that), I think he's one of the least important characters to revolve a resurrection plot around.

Albus's idea to go back and fix one of his father's failures by making Cedric lose the Tri-Wizard Tournament just because Cedric's father likes to remind Harry that he sucks, seems like a stretch.

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Source: Time

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

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With its wacky plot, uncharacteristic characters, and insanely inaccurate time-line, it reads more as a poorly thought out fan-fiction than an actual part of the Harry Potter series. I'm just going to pretend the books ended at seven and ignore the fact that I ever read this disjointed train wreck.

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