The Flash: Ranking The Rogues Gallery

Chris Barnes Chris Barnes
October 14th, 2015

I'm a 35 year old Canadian living in Ontario. I read comics, I love to draw and I collect comic art. I also teach karate, play hockey, and am a dad to 3 girls! My comic book passion lies with Batman and his pals with Nightwing taking a very close #2 favourite position. I began collecting comic art in 2013 and I have several commissions done by Ken Lashley and an amazing Francis Manapul Batman. As well I have sold a few of my own creations!

The Flash: Ranking The Rogues Gallery
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No. 9: Mob Rule


Credit: DC Comics

A childhood friend of Barry Allen, Manuel Lago joined the CIA and became one of their elite field agents. During one of his missions he lost one of his hands. Manuel agreed to take part in experiments that would give him regenerative abilities. One of the side effects, though, was that if he cut off a finger, not only would he grow his finger back, but the finger would grow into a copy of Manuel! The clones are only alive for a short time though and 'die' in the same order they are 'born'.

Gross, we know.

But still a formidable enough adversary to pose some problems for the The Flash.

Strength in numbers and all that.

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