Daredevil Season 3: Five Things We’d Love To See

Joseph Gioeli Joseph Gioeli
October 20th, 2016

ComiConverse Expert Contributor focusing on film and television.

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No. 4: Nelson and Murdock

Nelson and Murdock; Avocados at Law

Credit: Marvel Comics

Last we saw the Nelson and Murdock, Avocados at Law, they were split down the middle and their Josie’s bar tab had been closed. This split creates a perfect segue into yet another crossover, since in the last episode, we saw that Foggy was more than likely going to work at Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz, for Jeri Hogarth, from Jessica Jones.

This also opens up a new realm of possibilities as far as Karen Page’s role goes in season 3. She will evolve further from her original role as the Nelson and Murdock secretary, and will more than likely begin the season working at the New York Bulletin, as she did through a considerable chunk of season 2. Her reaction to knowing about Matt Murdock’s alter-ego as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, is also one of the most anticipated aspects of season 3.

From a purely fandom standpoint, this split would be ideal to keep the story, as well as the MCU, moving in the right direction. But from an emotional standpoint, Nelson to Murdock is as solidified a combination as Peanut Butter to Jelly.


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