The CW: Ranking The DC Season Premieres

Dusty Haynes Dusty Haynes
October 19th, 2016

Dusty is a geeky husband and father. He regularly subjects his family to lengthy monologues concerning the intricacies of Kryptonian politics and other essential facts.

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No. 1: Supergirl

The CW, Supergirl premiere

Credit: CW Network

Admittedly, I didn't watch Supergirl when it was on CBS. I kind of assumed it would get cancelled and I hate jumping on the show bandwagons just to have the show get the axe. But when I heard the CW had picked it up for Season 2, I quickly began binge watching the first season and loved it.

The first episode of season two took the show to another level with the proper introduction to Superman who they kind of got 100% right. The world now seems bigger and more fully realized. I had some concerns early on about whether the feel of the show would change after the move to the CW but this episode cleared that right up. I can't wait to see what's up with the mystery man and hopefully get a glimpse at Lex Luthor at some point.

Pros: Superman, optimism.

Cons: On again, off again Jimmy Olsen stuff.

So there are my thoughts about the CW DC premieres. How would you rank the premieres?

Comment and let me know!


Dusty Haynes is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow him on Twitter: @DustyHaynes

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Source: CWTV

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