Batman Villains: The Best of the Worst

Chris Barnes Chris Barnes
July 2nd, 2015

I'm a 35 year old Canadian living in Ontario. I read comics, I love to draw and I collect comic art. I also teach karate, play hockey, and am a dad to 3 girls! My comic book passion lies with Batman and his pals with Nightwing taking a very close #2 favourite position. I began collecting comic art in 2013 and I have several commissions done by Ken Lashley and an amazing Francis Manapul Batman. As well I have sold a few of my own creations!

Batman Villains: The Best of the Worst
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No. 3: Harley Quinn


It could be just because I have finished reading Volume Two of her self-titled comic, or it could be that this version of Harley Quinn is just that great.

Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti do some amazing writing on this book I think.  Harley is a fully three dimensional character whose existence is not dependent on the Joker; the way that she and the book break the fourth wall just subtle enough to be too funny.  The look on this version of Harley is great too, always in black and red but not confined to one outfit. That's how it should be for a character like this.

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