Spyro Reignited Trilogy Game Review: Nostalgic Dragon Fun

Jordan Samuel Jordan Samuel
November 15th, 2018

Content Editor, Film Critic and Writer for ComiConverse.com, the Founder and co-host of the official Nerdcast Network Podcast

Reviewed by:
On November 15, 2018
Last modified:November 17, 2018


Spyro Reignited Trilogy pays homage to its original releases but doubles down on impressive visuals and updated controls making for a perfect winter platformer. Toys for Bobs respect the original vision while bringing in their twists. I hope Activision use this remake to bring us a mainline Spyro adventure in the next generation of systems

Reviewed by:

On November 15, 2018
Last modified:November 17, 2018


Spyro Reignited Trilogy pays homage to its original releases but doubles down on impressive visuals and updated controls making for a perfect winter platformer. Toys for Bobs respect the original vision while bringing in their twists. I hope Activision use this remake to bring us a mainline Spyro adventure in the next generation of systems

Being a purple gem collecting dragon has never looked so good! Spyro Reignited Trilogy offers a solid remake of the original PlayStation releases. But does it do anything more? ComiConverse reviews Spyro Reignited Trilogy on PS4 Pro

Spyro Reignited Trilogy Game Review: Nostalgic Dragon Fun

Credit: Activision

Spyro's back, and he's all scaled up. Same sick burns, same charming attitude, now all scaled up in stunning HD. Spyro is bringing the heat like never before in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy game collection.

Insomniac Games conquered the 3D platforming genre with PlayStation Exclusive “Spyro the Dragon” all the way back in 1998, a title which puts players into the control of titular Spyro as he travels across worlds to rescue his fellow dragons and defeat the evil Gnasty Gnorc. It blew audiences away with its colourful graphics and replayable missions that offered various treasures. This updated take on the mascot platform space made for an acclaimed classic, which became a staple to PlayStation’s line of consoles.

Sadly the franchise has not seen the best couple of years, as sequels including “Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly” and “A Hero’s Tail” flopped at reinventing the once iconic purple dragon. Fans despised the lacklustre games, as they forgot what made the original gem collectors so great - and pushed for a more bog-standard platforming title. Luckily after the successful “Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy” publisher, Activision announced a remade trilogy which should put their cute dragon back in the spotlight.

But, can the 20-year-old classic deliver solid adventures a second time? Kickstarting Spyro’s return into mainstream media and make up for his terrible last few years that included “Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure” which slapped fans square in the face. Luckily the title has been released but does “Spyro Reignited Trilogy” work out in the end? Has the purple dragon got another stinker? ComiConverse reviews the anticipated Spyro remake on the PS4 Pro.

Credit: Activision

I’m glad to confirm that Toys for Bob/Activision has remade Spyro correctly in “Spyro Reignited Trilogy” delivering more of the same charming gem collecting fun the original made so addicting. While it doesn’t redefine Spyro’s core mythology or gameplay, there is something so thrilling about experiencing his best adventures in 4K. Putting it above most remakes, as the titles still hold up for the current generation of today.

The game’s story takes place over three titles including Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage! And Year of the Dragon that makes the purple hero through various adventures in the kingdom. Like many games of the PlayStation One era, the story is not the main driving force in this title - instead of collecting gems and defeating bosses take charge. Spyro is always adapting to his surroundings, to save his fellow dragon pals. These missions are refined in 4K but remain true to the original release. Strangely, none of these missions feels dated instead just play better on current generation hardware.

Toys for Bob utilises their expertise in platforming and colourful art styles, which allows players to experience Spyro in his best game yet (including original bosses, flying schools and gem collecting missions). Spyro Reignited Trilogy remade levels are like gigantic mazes, that include tons of gems and secrets to collect which allow for tons of replay value. The over 15 hours of reconstructed content makes for one of the most insane deals in 2018, as each game offers the same amount of quality.

Each of Spyro Reignited Trilogy’s 100 levels is recreated from scratch, with dozens of collectables to be discovered that makes replayability a close part of completing each game. From ice-covered peaks to dusty desserts, players have tons of platforming goodness to enjoy throughout the 15-hour long titled.

Toys for Bob makes sure players will be entertained for a long time with this colourful remake. Audiences are encouraged to explore and earn skill points by collecting various gems and treats, making experiencing levels feel more fluid. Finding new secrets is alluring, giving fans reason to explore each accurately remade levels created by Toys from Bob.


The games approach to nostalgic gem collecting, flight and replayability make for an outstanding celebration of the classic Spyro series which blew people away 20 years ago. All of the traditional Spyro elements are here, from the secret treasures to creative boss fights which all are remade for 4K consoles. Exploring each of-of these remastered levels was an outstanding achievement and makes for some solid nostalgic fun. I loved going through the groundbreaking original trilogy, and hope fans of the original check this instalment out on consoles.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy pays homage to its original releases but doubles down on impressive visuals and updated controls making for a perfect winter platformer. Toys for Bobs respect the original vision while bringing in their twists. I hope Activision use this remake to bring us a mainline Spyro adventure in the next generation of systems

Spyro Reignited Trilogy

  • 4
Spyro Reignited Trilogy pays homage to its original releases but doubles down on impressive visuals and updated controls making for a perfect winter platformer. Toys for Bobs respect the original vision while bringing in their twists. I hope Activision use this remake to bring us a mainline Spyro adventure in the next generation of systems
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