Why Sony’s Venom Movie Is Already A Failure

Jordan Samuel Jordan Samuel
February 11th, 2018

Content Editor, Film Critic and Writer for ComiConverse.com, the Founder and co-host of the official Nerdcast Network Podcast

The stand-alone Venom movie from Sony Pictures reeks of desperation, especially after the inclusion of Spider-Man within Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. With, the company is betting on success with Venom to help fund a spin-off universe based on Spider-Man's villain gallery. Tainting any inclusion of these characters within the world established in Spider-Man: Homecoming. But can it stand on two front legs? Or weigh the pressure.

One of Marvel’s most enigmatic, complex and badass characters comes to the big screen, starring Academy Award nominated actor Tom Hardy as the lethal protector Venom.


Venom's first teaser was a brooding mess void of any personality, only confirming that Sony Pictures have no idea about what makes the symbiote so alluring. I know it's a teaser but nothing in the 1-minute runtime felt Venom remotely, in fact just feels like a cheap action knock-off. And with, Sony Picture's push for the "Lethal Protector" it's a major shame. Fans want the studio to embrace Venom with crazy villains and grotesque violence. Instead, we got brooding dialogue and separate action which seems at odds with the character's beginnings.

The aggressive push for a Venom spin-off is nothing new to fans, with Sony Pictures shoehorning the character into Spider-Man 3 a universally panned conclusion to Sami Rami's trilogy. Which ultimately led to a breakdown of development on Spider-Man 4, giving birth to the rebooted Amazing Spider-Man series which blew in their faces after two mediocre installments. Mainly due to the sequel's mangled story and bizarre focus on setting up a series of films (including the anti-hero Venom/Eddie Brock) and his fight against his inner demons.

Writings on the wall for possible failure, but Avi Arad has been on the characters case for almost a decade, and in October 2018 his wishes come correct with Tom Hardy's Venom spin-off movie. A film set to establish a universe, apart from just-released Spider-Man: Homecoming, with his villains taking the roles of superheroes. Another attempt to rival Disney's success in the hot money making genre of comic book films. Despite Sony Pictures impressive casting of Tom Hardy in the lead role, I voiced strong opinions on it being separate from Marvel's Spider-Man series. As it just spits in the characters face and subjects Venom into a pointless entity within the comics.


One uniquely hilarious idea when the characters are linked together, as the Symbiote was first seen in Marvel's Super Heroes Secret Wars #8 (December 1984). As Spider-Man's suit is destroyed in battle and he accidentally is replaced by a black substance, which turns out to be an alien looking for its host. Eventually, Spider-Man brings the symbiote to earth, where it merges with adult reporter Eddie Brock who shares a mutual hatred for Peter Parker with Venom.

I understand Avi Arad, and Amy Pascal wants to establish their universe, but doesn't remove his backstory make him a lesser character? Eddie Brock's connection with Peter Parker is what makes him an intriguing villain. Throwing that away feels like wasted potential, as Venom could make for a brilliant villain within the already established world.

Instead, Sony is insisting on pushing him away from the source material and are alienating fans that grew up in the 90's Venom obsession for a cheap money pit. It's embarrassing to see Spider-Man's most complex, and original villain being treated in such poor taste. He should be battling within the MCU instead of being shoehorned into another universe that has no reason of being. But maybe he will strive alone? Only time will tell.




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