Netflix’s Castlevania Packs A Big Bite

Nickie Novelist Nickie Novelist
August 19th, 2017

New Author working on this publishing thing. Also a fan girl, sci-fi geek and unofficial nerd lover.

Our Netflix news hound Nicki Novelist breaks down her thought on Castlevania in her latest column.

Netflix’s Castlevania Packs a Big Bite

I knew I wanted to give this series a try based on my vague memories of playing Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse by Konami. What can I say, I’m a sucker for nostalgia. This short, four-episode series is based on that 1989 video game. I went into this series hoping it wouldn’t suck and boy, did it not suck. In fact, Netflix renewed it for a second season the same day it premiered.

Let’s talk about the visual appeal of this series. There is a beautiful grittiness about the animation. Its art style is heavily influenced by that of Japanese anime. Dark tones and washed out colors help push the “all hope is lost” story line forward. The dominate color is red, rightfully so. There is a lot of blood spilled. Every episode is quite gruesome. And although it’s animated, it was still hard for me to watch. Yes, I’m that person that covers their eyes during those moments. If you don’t mind a few eyeballs flying out of people’s heads, fingers getting chopped off, or heads on spikes, then you probably won’t flinch. Although that type of gore isn’t my thing, I could really appreciate the fight sequences. They are amazing.

The plot is that of a lover’s vengeance. When Count Dracula’s wife is burned at the stake after being falsely accused of witchcraft, Dracula declares that all the people of Wallachia will pay with their lives in a year’s time unless they atone for what they’ve done. Wait, back up. Dracula’s wife? The first episode summarizes the back story pretty well. Dracula falls in love with a scientist who seeks him out for knowledge. She encourages him to travel like men do. To live as man does. And while is out traveling slowly, like humans, his wife is burned the stake by the church and a very insane Bishop for witchcraft. Saying Dracula loses it, is putting it lightly.

Credit Netflix

A year passes and Dracula’s army of monsters and demons overrun the country, causing the people to live lives of fear and distrust. Much of the fear is driven by the church. The church has muscle and assassins keeping the people controlled and loyal. Spewing lies about the demons and keeping faith is what drives the Bishop. He feels all powerful. The church is one of the bad guys, allowing religion and God justify their actions. This won’t stand.

In order to combat hordes of demons and the church, the disgraced demon hunter, Trevor Belmont, and magician and speaker, Sypha Belnades, help the city stand up and fight. Trevor and Sypha stumble upon the legendary sleeping soldier, Dracula's son, Alucard while the city is fighting back against demons. The meeting of Trevor and Alucard does not disappoint. They exchange some sweet fighting moves and crafty words before they agree to work together.

Trevor is your hesitant hero. The Belmont’s are outcasts and excommunicated. He often consoles himself in drink. This doesn’t stop him from delivering some of the best lines I’ve heard by any rude, barbaric character in an animated series. They are gold. Trouble seems to follow Trevor wherever he goes. Bar fights, alley fights, catacomb fights, town mob fights, or demon horde fights, Trevor is always fighting. Despite how his family was treated, he can’t turn a blind eye to the evil that is upon the land, so he reluctantly agrees to help destroy Dracula.

Dark and grim, sarcastic and deep, I recommend adding this short series to your watch list. I guarantee you will fall in love with Trevor Belmont of the house of Belmont. I know I did.

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