X-Men Franchise: Ranking The Top 5 Movies

Joseph Gioeli Joseph Gioeli
March 25th, 2017

ComiConverse Expert Contributor focusing on film and television.

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In honor Hugh Jackman’s probable final ride donning the adamantium claws in Logan this year, ComiConverse contributor Joseph Gioeli ranks the top five movies in the X-Men franchise.

X-Men Franchise: Ranking the Top 5 Movies

The X-Men franchise was one of the first major superhero franchises to grace the silver screen - second perhaps to the original 1990's Batman series of films. Logan will, most likely, mark the end of this franchise reign with Hugh Jackman almost certainly "retiring" as Wolverine. After recently re-watching these films, I have ranked the top 5 movies in terms of popularity, critical & fan acclaim, and overall storytelling.

Here is what I came up with.

DISCLAIMER: I am counting only live-action films. Standalone Wolverine movies will also be included, but Deadpool will not be since it is primarily focused on Deadpool himself.

Spoilers Ahead!

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