Game Review: We Happy Few

Crystal Kendrick Crystal Kendrick
August 12th, 2016

Review of: We Happy Few

Reviewed by:
On August 12, 2016
Last modified:August 12, 2016


While We Happy Few is not yet a complete game it definitely shows promise! Anyone who is willing to play a game before it's initial release and watch it be improved over time will be in for a real treat.

Review of: We Happy Few

Reviewed by:

On August 12, 2016
Last modified:August 12, 2016


While We Happy Few is not yet a complete game it definitely shows promise! Anyone who is willing to play a game before it's initial release and watch it be improved over time will be in for a real treat.

We Happy Few by Compulsion Games is a game that takes place in a futuristic version of 1960s England. The game shows realistic protagonists as they try to survive in a city where everyone is one pills called "Joy" to keep them from being "downers".  The protagonists will have to try and fit in with this society as best they can all while trying to escape the nightmare. We Happy Few is currently in the Early Access phase on Steam.

We Happy Few: Pros

We Happy Few is a very bright game. The colors of the game are just very vibrant. Considering the subject matter of the game and how it is entwined with drug use of "Joy", the vividness makes complete sense. The creators seem to be going with the idea that "Joy" is some type of psychedelic drug which cause the users to see everything brightly despite the reality of things.

We Happy Few

Credit: Compulsion Games

The idea behind We Happy Few is pretty creative as well. It has a few game mechanics like The Sims, in that the player has basic needs that need to be focused on to make sure the protagonist stays in tip top condition. The game is also a survival game whereas there is so many different direction they could have went with this. It could have been a shooter or a 100% action adventure game but yet the developers chose to include a specific survival element. I have never played a game quite like this. More than that I have never even heard of anything like this. With the video gaming scene flooded with multiple blatant rip-offs of other games that are made just to secure a quick buck, creative games like this are actually a breath of fresh air and always get my respect.

We Happy Few

Credit: Compulsion Games

We Happy Few is actually a pretty good game for something in Early Access. There is not very many bugs and I have't heard of anyone encountering any major game breaking bugs as of yet. A game in Early Access , or Alpha, still is expected to have numerous bugs to the point where the game is actually not even fun to play but frustrating. However, I've played games that are already at the Beta stage and literally weeks away from being released to the general public and even some of them weren't as good as this. Not just talking about not havig bugs, but all of the things I spoke of above too.

We Happy Few

Credit: Compulsion Games

This is just a personal thing that may not be of any importance to anyone else or sway their opinion either way. One thing I like about this game is that it is on the Unreal Engine. To me, the Unreal Engine is one of the best game engines out there and games on that engine are always gorgeous and have some pretty cool features. I don't know what it is about the Unreal Engine that makes it have such a large amount of good games on it, but either way I'm completely sold on it.

We Happy Few: Cons

Despite this game being good, it is still important to stress that it is in Early Access! This means that the game is not complete, in fact, according to the developers it will be in this stage for six months to a year. Which means that there is no official release date in sight and of course means it is at least that long until the game can be expected to be complete. The game technically has no story mode. Of course there is descriptions of what it will be like and just by playing the game as it is now the player should be able to get an overall feel of the game. Still, that is no replacement for the actual thing.

We Happy Few

Credit: Compulsion Games

Which brings me to the fact that this game has a pretty high price for something that is still in the alpha stage of development. The game is $29.99 right now. There's full, completed games on Steam that are amazing and much cheaper than We Happy Few. So I would recommend people to follow the news on the game and maybe take a few days to ponder whether they actually want to buy the game right now before they actually commit to it. It is shaping up to be a pretty good game but even the developers have advised not buying the game if one is not comfortable with something still in Early Access.


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We Happy Few

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While We Happy Few is not yet a complete game it definitely shows promise! Anyone who is willing to play a game before it's initial release and watch it be improved over time will be in for a real treat.

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